Blue Square Builders
Cheap Roofs Are Not Good and Good Roofs Are Not Cheap!

Safety Tips When Checking a Roof

The first thing a homeowner likes to do after serve weather is to grab a ladder and right away check a roof. Leave the inspection of a roof to trained professionals. Blue Square Builders are roofing contractors in Tunkhannock. Allow it make be tempting to get a look for yourself there are other safer options. Before stepping outside to examine the surrounding area for damage, be sure that the storm has completely passed through your area.

Is there Hail on the Ground?

If you must insist on getting a glance at the roof, one of the best things to look or first would be hail and damage. If you see any hail on the ground, you can assume that there is most likely harm to the roof. Roofers in Tunkhannock would be able to help you to determine just how much damage to have and would the next steps are for repair.

Is There Debris Around?

Initially after looking around outside for hail damage, debris would be another important clue that roof repair is in order. You can do this just by taking a look around. Look for anything that may be broken or shattered. Is there siding or shingles on the ground? If you find any debris around your home, chances are there could be roof damage as well. Blue Square Builders has an expert team that can give a free estimate after the initial assessment of your home.

Is there Roof Fragments Laying Around

Keep an eye for any signs of shingle roofing on the ground. Small to large shingles will be easily spotted along with material if there is damage to the roof. Checking for roof fragments is necessary especially when a homeowner is not at home during a storm and you have no clue or idea of how hard the impact of hail has been on the roof. If there is harm done to your roof or you are simply looking to upgrade the style, use a roofing company in Tunkhannock!

Are there Leaks?

Some of the biggest and common damage on a roof after serve weather are leaks and water damage. One of the easiest ways to spot for a leaks or water is to thoroughly check for marks or stains on the walls right after the storm has hit. If the ceiling is still damp, you may see visible markings. You may only be able to check areas that you can see to the eye. Areas like the attic can be difficult to thoroughly check. Leave tight spaces like this for the roofers.

Hiring Roofing Contractors in Tunkhannock to Help

No matter how meticulous and detail oriented you may be, a trained eye is always the best option in checking for damages to a roof. Consider using a roofing contractor or a local roofing company in Tunkhannock. Roofers are always sure of their findings and will always know the best people to rely on to go up there and personally check the status of your roof, ensuring that your safety is not compromised while you comfortably remain inside your house

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